This study is a focused analysis of Hurrian orthographic influences on the language of the Akkadian dialect of Nuzi, particularly in the expression of stop consonants. Texts examined are those known to belong to scribes of the first generation and scribes descending from Apil-Sin and belonging to the second generation. New editions are presented for all Nuzi texts involved. These Nuzi texts are compared against Hurrian material, and OB, MA, and peripheral Akkadian texts are used as reference points for comparison. All these corpora are digitized and analyzed with the aid of computational tools (XML/XSLT, C#, SQL). (See[table “6” not found /]
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Date of completion: March 14, 2007.[table “6” not found /]
Witzig, Sophia MA (Lyon/France) – Fonctions administratives et rôles politiques des gouverneurs de province dans l’empire d’Ur III (2112-2004 av. J.-C.) : le cas des gouverneurs de Girsu/Lagaš
This doctoral dissertation falls within the context of previous studies conducted on Ur III political history by assyriologists (see for instance J. Dahl on Umma). The project aims at shedding a new light on the Read more…