The late Early Dilmun period is poorly understood as little physical evidence can unequivocally be attributed to this phase. The general consensus -based upon Mesopotamian textual sources and a dearth of archaeological material- is that a collapse of the maritime trade-network triggered a series of catastrophic events in Dilmun which led to an economic, political, social and cultural disintegration. It is true that Dilmun underwent a period of change, but at the same time cultural continuity can be observed to both the previous as well as succeeding periods. Main objectives of PhD: define late Early Dilmun assemblages; factual re-examination of the late early Dilmun period; place Dilmun in the geo-political context of the region during the reigns of Hammurabi and his successors, especially its relation with the illustrious Sealand.[table “6” not found /]
Witzig, Sophia MA (Lyon/France) – Fonctions administratives et rôles politiques des gouverneurs de province dans l’empire d’Ur III (2112-2004 av. J.-C.) : le cas des gouverneurs de Girsu/Lagaš
This doctoral dissertation falls within the context of previous studies conducted on Ur III political history by assyriologists (see for instance J. Dahl on Umma). The project aims at shedding a new light on the Read more…