The IAA welcomes affiliation with other scholarly associations and societies, as set out in our affiliate policy below.
The following scholarly associations and societies are affiliated with IAA:
The American Oriental Society, founded in 1842, is the oldest learned society in the United States devoted to a particular field of scholarship; it is preceded only by such distinguished organizations of general scope as the American Philosophical Society (1743), the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1780), and the American Antiquarian Society (1812).
From the beginning the Society’s aims have been humanistic. The encouragement of basic research in the languages and literatures of the Near East and Asia has always been central in its tradition, which has come to include such subjects as philology, literary criticism, textual criticism, paleography, epigraphy, linguistics, biography, archaeology, and the history of the intellectual and imaginative aspects of Eastern civilizations, especially of philosophy, religion, folklore and art.
The Society’s scope is not limited by temporal boundaries; all with an academic interest in Near Eastern and Asian Studies are welcome to become members.
British Institute for the Study of Iraq
The British Institute for the Study of Iraq (BISI) is the UK’s only institution dedicated to advancing research and public education on Iraq in all areas of the arts, humanities and social sciences.
For over 80 years, BISI has supported academic excellence and understanding of Iraq: funding projects, publishing vital research, organising conferences and public lectures, and re-training Iraq’s scholars and cultural heritage professionals.
BISI was founded as the British School of Archaeology in Iraq (BSAI) in 1932, in memory of the renowned explorer and diplomat, Gertrude Lowthian Bell. The School’s excavations at sites such as Nimrud, Abu Salabikh and Samarra gave unprecedented insights into diverse periods of Iraq’s past.
Since the work of the DOG is not aimed at generating a profit, all proceeds are to be used solely for purposes that agree with the goals laid down in the statutes. These are:
1.) Researching the history and cultures of the Middle East and their spheres of influence from the beginnings to the Middle Ages;
2.) Disseminating research findings from the Middle East and stimulating public interest in these cultures.
These goals are principally to be attained by:
- Mounting or backing scientific studies in the countries of the Middle East, in particular preparing and performing archaeological field work;
- Planning and conducting scientific work on specific topic areas, above all through interdisciplinary collaborations;
- Preparing and publishing academic publications;
- Supporting the work of museums directed towards research and publicity, above all at the Museen Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz;
- Communicating research results to the public by the publication of suitable texts and media work.
The Israel Society for Assyriology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies
The aims of ISAANES are: To develop and promote scientific research and academic teaching in all areas of Assyriology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Israel, based on original epigraphic sources; to foster cooperation between Israeli and foreign scholars in these fields; and to establish scholarly ties and cooperation between the Society and fellow societies abroad.
The main activity presently conducted by the Society is an annual, one-day conference, held at one of the universities in Israel. Conferences are devoted to selected central themes with invited lectures, but other lectures are also given. The Society intends in the future to undertake further, special activities, such as holding international scholarly meetings, and sponsoring a series of scholarly monographs in Assyriology and related fields.
La Société pour l’étude du Proche-Orient ancien
La Société pour l’étude du Proche-Orient ancien est une association sans but lucratif régie par la loi de 1901. Elle publie une revue trimestrielle (NABU, Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires) qui permet aux spécialistes du monde entier de s’échanger dans de brefs délais des informations scientifiques. Elle publie également une collection de livres, les Mémoires de NABU (16 volumes parus depuis 1992). L’association soutient la participation française à des colloques internationaux ainsi que diverses actions destinées à promouvoir et faire mieux connaître les recherches portant sur le Proche-Orient ancien (en particulier l’Irak et la Syrie).
Affiliate policy
1. The International Association for Assyriology welcomes the supportive affiliation of institutions and societies that share its mission of sustaining and promoting cuneiform scholarship or Near Eastern archaeology (see the IAA constitution, Art. 3. For the mission of the IAA, see the IAA homepage).
2. Any such institution or society may petition the IAA board of trustees for affiliation, through its leadership. The organization may include an outreach program, but above all it needs to foster research and publication.
3. An application should be submitted to the IAA board via the IAA President and its Secretary. This application should include at the least the following:
a) A letter that requests affiliation, detailing the reasons for doing so;
b) A profile of the institution or society, including such information as membership (criteria, number and professions), types of forums (annual meetings or the like), and resources (including publications).
c) The name of the proposed primary delegate to the IAA who is entitled to vote on behalf of his institution (the president or an authorized representative).
4. The IAA board will consider all submitted dossiers. Approval requires a majority of the Board, with all members voting or polled. Abstentions are negative votes.
5. Upon approval the institution or society will be invited to become a member of the IAA. Its membership will take effect after the payment of the annual fee due for the current year as established by the board for individual members, the Secretary calling for welcome of the approvied institution by acclamation at the General meeting.
6. Every affiliated institution that is a member of the IAA is entitled to apply for one of the four seats reserved on the board for related scholarly associations (see the By-laws, Art. 4.3).
7. According to the Constitution, Art. 7.3, the members of the Board will be elected by members at the General Meeting on a proposal from the Board or a proposal signed by at least fifteen members.