Faculty/Department: Humanities/Seminar/Institute:
SFB 950 “Manuskriptkulturen in Asien, Afrika und Europa”

Pending funding, Universität Hamburg invites applications for a Research Associate for a subproject of “SFB 950 “Manuskriptkulturen in Asien, Afrika und Europa” in accordance with § 28 (3) of Hamburg’s Higher Education Act (HmbHG*). The positions commence as soon as possible.

It is remunerated at the salary level TV-L E 13 and calls for 65{518531fadeb811ae8faec8ba5977a8511c844f925d504d488b0d90b6c297e400} of the regular weekly work hours.

The short-term nature of this contract is based upon § 2 of the Academic Short-Term Labor Contract Act (WissZeitVG). The term is fixed to 30.06.2019.

The University aims to increase the number of women in research and teaching and explicitly encourages women to apply. Equally qualified female applicants will receive preference in accordance with Hamburg’s Higher Education Act (HmbHG).

Duties include academic services in the project named above. Research associates can also pursue independent research and further academic qualifications.

Area(s) of Responsibility:
Subproject C11: “Private Archives as a Source of Literacy in Old Assyrian Society”

A university degree in a relevant subject.

Severely disabled applicants will receive preference over equally qualified non-disabled applicants.

For further information, please contact Dr. Cécile Michel (cecile.michel@mae.cnrs.fr) or consult our website at http://www.manuscript-cultures.uni-hamburg.de/Projekte_p2.html or http://www.manuscript-cultures.uni-hamburg.de/Projekte_p2_e.html.

Applications should include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and copies of degree certificate(s).

The application deadline is 15.07.2015. Please send applications to: Dr. Cécile Michel, <cecile.michel@mae.cnrs.fr>.

* Hamburg Higher Education Act
** Full-time positions currently comprise 39 hours per week. *******

Categories: Uncategorized