Dear Mar Shiprim readers, happy 2023! We celebrate the New Year offering you our list of recent publications in the fields of Assyriology and Mesopotamian Archaeology.
Below you can find titles that have been notified in the Agade mailing list between October, 1st and December, 31th 2022. Please write to us, at, if we have overlooked a publication or if you are aware of any title that should be added to this list. Enjoy!
Baghdo, A.M.H., Martin, L., Novák, M., and Orthmann, W. (eds), Tell Halaf VI. Der assyrische Statthalterpalast, Harrassowitz, 2022.
Baragli, B., Sonnengrüße. Die sumerischen Kiutu-Gebetsbeschwörungen, Ancient Magic and Divination 19, Brill, 2022.
Battini, L., Brody, A., and Steadman, S.R. (eds), No Place Like Home: Ancient Near Eastern Houses and Households, Ancient Near Eastern Archaeological Series 9, Archaeopress, 2022.
Baumer, C., Novák, M., and Rutishauser, S. (eds), Cultures in Contact. Central Asia as Focus of Trade, Cultural Exchange and Knowledge Transmission, Schriften zur Vorderasiatischen Archäologie 19, Harrassowitz, 2022.
Benedettucci, F.M., Tell Al-Mashhad. Lo scavo, Studi Mediterranei e Orientali 1, Edizioni Espera, 2022.
Breier, I., An Ethical View of Human-Animal Relations in the Ancient Near East, Palgrave Macmillan, 2022.
Cancik-Kirschbaum, E., and Schrakamp, I. (eds), Transfer, Adaption und Neukonfiguration von Schrift- und Sprachwissen im Alten Orient, Episteme 25, Harrassowitz, 2022.
Charpin, D., En quête de Ninive. Des savants français à la découverte de la Mésopotamie (1842-1975), Les belles lettres, 2022.
Chemla, K., Keller, A., and Proust, C. (eds), Cultures of Computation and Quantification in the Ancient World: Numbers, Measurements, and Operations in Documents from Mesopotamia, China and South Asia, Why the Sciences of the Ancient World Matter 6, Springer, 2022.
Cohen, Y., Gilan, A., Wasserman, N., Cerqueglini, L., and Sheyhatovitch, B. (eds), Telling of Olden Kings, The IOS Annual Volume 22, Brill, 2023.
Cohen, Y., Gilan, A., Wasserman, N., Cerqueglini, L., and Sheyhatovitch, B. (eds), Drought Will Drive You Even Toward Your Foe, The IOS Annual Volume 23, Brill, 2023.
Coulon, J.-C., and Dosoo, K. (eds), Magikon zōon: Animal et magie dans l’Antiquité et au Moyen Âge, Bibliothèque d’Histoire des Textes 2, Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes, 2022.
Faist, B.I., Justel, J.J., Sakal, F., and Vita, J.-P., Bibliography of Emar Studies, Barcino Monographica Orientalia 19, Universitat de Barcelona, 2022.
Gander, M., Geschichte und Geographie Westkleinasiens in der Hethiterzeit, Universitätsverlag Winter, 2022.
Gehler, M., Rollinger, R., and Strobl, P. (eds)The End of Empires, Springer, 2022.
Gitin, Sy., Ortiz, S.M., and Dothan, T., Tel Miqne 10/1. Tel Miqne-Ekron Excavations 1994–1996, Field IV Upper and Field V, The Elite Zone Part 1: Iron Age IIC Temple Complex 650, Eisenbrauns, 2022.
Giusfredi, F., and Simon, Z. (eds), Studies in the Languages and Language Contact in Pre-Hellenistic Anatolia, Barcino Monographica Orientalia 17, Anatolica et Indogermanica 2, Universitat de Barcelona, 2021.
Hall, J.M., and Osborne, J.F. (eds), The Connected Iron Age. Interregional Networks in the Eastern Mediterranean, 900-600 BCE, The University of Chicago Press, 2022.
Hoffmeier, J.K., Averbeck, R.E., Howard, J.C., and Zwickel, W. (eds), “Now These Records are Ancient”. Studies in Ancient Near Eastern and Biblical History, Language and Culture in Honor of K. Lawson Younger, Jr., Ägypten und Altes Testament 114, Zaphon, 2022.
Jiménez, E., Middle and Neo-Babylonian Literary Texts in the Frau Professor Hilprecht Collection, Jena, Texte und Materialien der Frau Prof. Hilprecht-Collection 13, Harrassowitz, 2022.
Mander, P., Ishtar la Stella. La via della conoscenza e l’unione degli opposti nei Sumeri e Assiro-Babilonesi, Edizioni Ester, 2022.
Manuelli, F., and Mielke, P. (eds), Late Bronze Age Painted Pottery Traditions at the Margins of the Hittite State. Papers Presented at a Workshop Held at the 11th ICAANE (München 4 April 2018) and Additional Contributions, Archaeopress, 2022.
Margueron, J.-C., and Muller, B. (eds), Recherches au pays d’Aštata. Emar III. Le matériel de Tell Meskéné et de Tell Faq’ous, Bibliothèque archéologique et historique 222, Presses de l’Ifpo, 2022.
Matoïan, V., Mazzini, G., Watson, W., Wikander, O., and Wyatt, N. (eds), Ugarit-Forschungen. Internationales Jahrbuch für die Altertumskunde Syrien-Palästinas. Band 52. In memory of Wilfred van Soldt, Ugarit-Verlag, 2021.
Müller, R., Neumann, H., and Salo, R.S. (eds) , Rituale und Magie in Ugarit. Praxis, Kontexte und Bedeutung, Orientalische Religionen in der Antike 47, Mohr Siebeck, 2022.
Piccin, M., Linguistic Aspects of Persuasiveness in Akkadian. Petitions and Prayers, Alter Orient und Altes Testament 446, Ugarit Verlag, 2022.
Pohl, A., Die akkadischen Hymnen der altbabylonischen Zeit. Grammatik, Stilistik, Editionen, Leipziger Altorientalistische Studien 13, Harrassowitz, 2022.
Schäfer, P., Die Schlange war klug. Antike Schöpfungsmythen und die Grundlagen des westlichen Denkens, C.H. Beck, 2022.
Schnitzlein, B., Untersuchungen zur Schreibkultur Mesopotamiens im 1. Jahrtausend v. Chr., Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Records 29, De Gruyter, 2023.
Sibbing-Plantholt, I., The Image of Mesopotamian Divine Healers. Healing Goddesses and the Legitimization of Professional asûs in the Mesopotamian Medical Marketplace, Cuneiform Monographs 53, Brill, 2022.
Streck, M.P., Old Babylonian Grammar. Volume One, Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1 The Near and Middle East 168.1, Brill, 2022.
Streck, M.P., and Wende, J., Supplement to the Akkadian Dictionaries. Vol. 3: G, K, Q, Leipziger Altorientalistische Studien 7.3, Harrassowitz, 2022.
Summers, G.D. (ed), Excavations at the Palatial Complex: Kerkenes Final Reports 2, Oriental Institute Publications 148, Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 2022.
Van De Mieroop, M., Before and after Babel. Writing as Resistance in Ancient Near Eastern Empires, Oxford University Press, 2022.
Wende, J., Frühaltbabylonische Grammatik, Leipziger Altorientalistische Studien 14, Harrassowitz, 2022.
Wicke, D., and Curtis, J. (eds), Ivories, Rock Reliefs and Merv. Studies on the Ancient Near East in Honour of Georgina Herrmann, marru 15, Zaphon, 2022.
Yalçın, S., Selves Engraved on Stone: Seals and Identity in the Ancient Near East, ca. 1415–1050 BCE, Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 129, Brill, 2022.