Dear Mar Shiprim readers,
We hope your 2024 has been off to a good start!
In resuming our regular programming, we offer you new titles in Assyriology and related fields shared through the Agade mailing list between September 1st and December 31st in 2023.
Please let us know via, if you would like to suggest any titles we may have overlooked.
Pavla Rosenstein
Abadie-Reynal, C., Les espaces funéraires autour d’Apamée de l’Euphrate (IIIe siècle avant-VIIIe siècle après J.-C.), Archéologie(s) 10, 2023.
Archi, A. (with the collaboration of Spada, G.), Administrative Texts: Allotments of Clothing for the Palace Personnel (Archive L.2769), Harrassowitz Verlag, 2023.
Arkhipov I. and George A. R., Old Babylonian Texts in the Schøyen Collection, Part 3: Further Letters, ISLET-Verlag, 2023.
Begemann, E., Pavel, D., Petridou, G., Rieger, A., Raja, R., and Rüpke J. (eds), Magnification and Miniaturization in Religious Communications in Antiquity and Modernity, Materialities and Meanings, Brepols, 2023.
Bennison-Chapman, L. E., Bookkeeping Without Writing, PIHANS 134, Peeters, 2023.
Blust, R., The Dragon and the Rainbow, Brill, 2023.
Böck, B., Ghazanfar S. A., Nesbitt M., An Ancient Mesopotamian Herbal, Surrey Kew Publishing, 2023.
Bouillon, H., Une histoire des animaux fantastiques, PUF, 2023.
Buccellati, G., “When on High the Heavens…”Mesopotamian Religion and Spirituality with Reference to the Biblical World, Routledge, 2023.
Bürge, T., and Fischer, P. M., The Decline of Bronze Age Civilisations in the Mediterranean: Cyprus and Beyond, Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology 154, Astrom Editions, 2023.
Chambon, G., and Otto, A. (eds), Weights and Measures as a Window on Ancient Near Eastern Societies, PEWE-Verlag, 2023.
Clancier, P., and Monerie, J. (eds), L’empreinte des empires au Proche-Orient ancien, Volume d’hommage offert à Francis Joannès, Archeopress, 2023.
Curtis, J. (ed), William Kennet Loftus: A 19th-Century Archaeologist in Mesopotamia, The British Institute for the Study of Iraq, 2023.
Daryaee, T., Rollinger, R., and Canepa, M.P., Iran & the Transformation of ANE History: the Seleucids (ca. 312–150 BCE), Classica et Orientalia, 31, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2023.
Démare-Lafont, S., Fleming, D. E. (eds), Judicial Decisions in the Ancient Near East, SBL Press, 2023.
De Ridder, J. J., and Stein, P. (eds), Essays dedicated to Manfred Krebernik during the Colloquium Held on March 17–18, 2022 at Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Harrassowitz-Verlag, 2023.
Droß-Krüpe, K., Garcia-Ventura A., Ruffing, K., and Verderame, L. (eds), Orientalist Gazes: Reception and Construction of Images of the Ancient Near East since the 17th Century, Zaphon 2023.
Düring, B. S., and Akkermans, P. M. M. G. (eds), Style and Society in the Prehistory of West Asia: Essays in Honour of Olivier P. Nieuwenhuyse, Sidestone Press, 2023.
Elayi, A., and Elayi, J., Le voyage d’Archimède au 21e siècle, Éditions Douro, 2023.
Fiore, I., and Lugli, F. (eds), Dogs, Past and Present: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, Archeopress, 2023.
Franke, S., Das Gilgamesch-Epos. Auf Grundlage der Ausgabe von Wolfgang Röllig, Reclam, 2023.
Garrison, M.B., and Henkelman, W. F. M. (eds), The Persian World and Beyond. Achaemenid and Arsacid Studies in Honour of Bruno Jacobs, Melammu Workshops and Monographs 6, Zaphon 2023.
Gautschy, R., Grütter, N., and Müller, M, (eds)., Von Elephantine bis Ugarit. Festschrift für Hanna Jenni, Ägypten und Altes Testament 116, Zaphon, 2023.
Günther, S. (ed), Modern Economics and the Ancient World: Were the Ancients Rational Actors? Selected Papers from the Online Conference, 29–31 July 2021, Zaphon, 2023.
Hausleiter A. (ed), Material Worlds: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Contacts and Exchange in the Ancient Near East, Archaeopress, 2023.
Hilton, M., I’ll Trade You.Tales of Traded Items in the Ancient Near East, 48 Hour Books, 2023.
Kerner S., al-Ghul O., and Hayajneh H. (eds), Excavations, Surveys and Heritage. Essays on Southwest Asian Archaeology in Honour of Zeidan Kafafi, Zaphon, 2023.
Kubisch, S., and Klinkott, H. (eds), Power of the Priests. Political Use of Religious Knowledge, de Gruyter, 2023.
Laneri, N., and Steadman, S. R. (eds), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Material Religion in the Ancient Near East and Egypt, Bloomsbury, 2023.
Levy, N., The Dawn of Agriculture and the Earliest States in Genesis 1-11, Routledge, 2023.
Maiocchi, M., Lessico delle iscrizioni reali sumeriche, Il Novissimo Ramusio 43, Science e Lettere, 2023.
Matini, G., Nebiolo, F., Negri Scafa, P., Viaggio, S. (eds.), ŪMĪ ANNÛTI LUḪSUSAMMA ANA DĀRIŠ AJ AMŠI. Voglio pensare a questi giorni, e per sempre non dimenticare! Studi in onore di Claudio Saporetti per il suo 85esimo compleanno, WriteUp, 2023.
Mei, H., Nation and Empire as Two Trends of Political Organization in the Iron Age Levant, Brill, 2023.
Middeke-Conlin, R., Knowledge, Literacy, and Elementary Education in the Old Babylonian Period, Springer, 2023.
Moon, J. (ed), Tell Khaiber: A Fortified Centre of the First Sealand Dynasty, Archaeology of Ancient Iraq 2, 2023.
Ozaki, T., Sigrist, M., Tang, S., The Rosen Collection Texts at the Yale Peabody Museum, DICAM 34, University of Messina, 2023.
Paulus, S., Díaz Herrera, M., Gordon, J., Ouimet, M., Siegmund, C. G., and Winters, R. D. (eds.), Back to School in Babylonia, ISAC Museum Publications 1, Insitute for the Study of Ancient Cultures, 2023
Ponchia, S., and Prandi, L. (eds), Shaping Boundaries. Ethnicity and Geography in the Eastern Mediterranean Area (First Millennium BC). Proceedings of the 15th Melammu Workshop, Verona, 19–21 January 2022, Melammu Workshops and Monographs 8, Zaphon, 2023.
Potts, D.T., Aspects of Kinship in Ancient Iran, Iran and the Ancient World, University of California Press, 2023.
Raya, R., Shaping Archaeological Archives. Dialogues between Fieldwork, Museum Collections, and Private Archives, Brepols, 2023.
Ricci, A., Settlement, Mobility, and Land Use in the Birecik-Carchemish Region (Fifth-Third Millennium BCE), Brepols, 2023.
Saporetti, C., E’ caduta Babilonia?, La Lepre Edizioni, 2023.
Saporetti, C., Gli amori di Ištar. Gilgameš Tav. VI: 1-79, WriteUp, 2023.
Schmitt, R., Die Religionen Israels/ Palästinas in der Bronzezeit. Ca 3800-1200 v. Chr., Zaphon, 2023.
Schneider, B., Die Ziqqurrat von Nippur im 1. Jahrtausend v.Chr., marru 12, Zaphon, 2023.
Snell D., Supplement to A New Workshop of Cuneiform Signs: Teaching Old Akkadian and Old Babylonian Sign Forms, independently published, 2023.
Streck, M. P., Altorientalistik. Einführung, Nomos, 2023.
Van Driel, G., and Van Driel-Murray, C., Jebel Aruda: An Uruk Period Temple and Settlement in Syria (Volume 1), Sidestone Press, 2023.
Weingarten, J., Macdonald, C. F., Aruz, J., Fabian, L. and Kumar, N. (eds), Processions: Studies of Bronze Age Ritual and Ceremony presented to Robert B. Koehl, Archaeopress, 2023.
Yamasaki, M., Conceptualizing Bronze Age Seascapes. Concepts of the Sea and Marine Fauna in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Second Millennium BCE, Lema 2, Brepols, 2023.