Position Announcement:
Bowling Green State University.  Assistant Professor, Art History.  Tenure track.  Competitive salary, full benefits.  PhD or PhD by August 2015 in art history required.  Teaching experience preferable. Candidate must have a specialty in the art and culture of the Ancient World. Commitment to innovative pedagogical approaches and use of digital technology is desirable.

Teach undergraduate/graduate level courses in ancient art, upper-level courses in the applicant’s area of specialty, the final capstone experience for majors and minors (responsibility for course rotated among art history faculty), and the first half of the western survey.  Support graduate students’ thesis research and mentor them in their chosen career paths.  Continue with successful professional development.  Contribute to the diversity and excellence of the academic community through research, teaching, and service.  Provide service to the Division, School, University, and external community.  Starting date: August 2015.

Deadline for application: postmarked January 23, 2015.

NO CERTIFIED OR REGISTERED MAIL ACCEPTED.  Submit letter of application, curriculum vita, three original, current letters of recommendation (under separate cover), official terminal degree transcript, copies of significant publications, and self-addressed stamped envelope for return of materials to: Dr. Andrew Hershberger, Chair, Art History Search, School of Art, 1000 Fine Arts Center, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403-0204.

All Finalists will be required to authorize and pass a background investigation prior to offer of employment.  BGSU is an AA/EEO employer/educator and welcomes applications from women, minorities, veterans and persons with disabilities.

Dr. Stephanie M. Langin-Hooper
Assistant Professor and Karl Kilinski II Endowed Chair in Hellenic Visual Culture
Southern Methodist University
Email: langinhooper@smu.edu
Phone: 214-768-4699
Office: 1621 Owen Fine Arts Center
Mailing address: Department of Art History, Meadows School of the Arts
Southern Methodist University
PO Box 750356, Dallas, TX 75275-0356, USA

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