Brumfield, Sara (Los Angeles/United States) -Imperial Methods: Using Text Mining and Social Network Analysis to Detect Regional Strategies in the Akkadian Empire

Building upon the traditional methods of philological analysis, this dissertation incorporates emerging technologies in text-mining and social network analysis as a new approach for analyzing large blocks of cuneiform text corpora. Working within the Classical period of the Old Akkadian dynasty, the height of Empire’s reach and influence, these digital Read more…

4 scholarships – Fernand Braudel IFER September 2014, France

Veuillez trouver ci-dessous l’appel à candidature Fernand Braudel-IFER septembre 2014, programme de mobilité internationale proposant des séjours de recherche dans des laboratoires d’accueil en France (volet incoming du programme Fernand Braudel-IFER) et en Europe (volet outgoing du programme Fernand Braudel-IFER). 4 bourses sont proposées dans le  labex RESMED. Les projets doivent s’inscrire dans un des Read more…

Nurmikko, Terhi (Southamphton/United Kingdom) – Ontological Representation of Sumerian Literary Narratives.

This doctoral research project examines the potential of existing semantic technologies such as OWL ontologies for the representation of the narrative structures as expressed in the content of Sumerian literary compositions. Thus far, the project has focused on the processes necessary for the publication of the composite texts as published by the Electronic Read more…

Quillien, Louise (Paris/France) – Les textiles en Mésopotamie, 750 – 500 av. J.-C : techniques de production, circuits d’échanges et significations sociales.

This dissertation will focus on three points. First, what is the place of raw materials and finished textiles in the general economy of Mesopotamia? These raw materials are acquired locally but also by long distance trade. In particular, the circulation of the wool between temples, palace, market, and private persons Read more…

Matuszak, Jana (Tübingen/Germany) – „Und du willst eine Frau sein?“ Ein sumerisches Streitgespräch zwischen zwei Frauen (Zwei Frauen B / Dialog 5)

The dissertation project aims at establishing an editio princeps of the best preserved Sumerian literary debate between two women (Two Women B / Dialogue 5). On this basis, the structure and the development of the dialogue, the underlying principles of rhetoric, and the text’s relevance for scribal education (including its Read more…

Dicks, Ainsley (Yale University, New Haven, U.S.A.) – Catching the Eye of the Gods: The Gaze in Mesopotamian Literature

Date of Completion: May 2012 Summary: The dissertation examines over 1600 instances of vision verbs compiled from the Mesopotamian literary corpus and reveals that Sumerian and Akkadian both differentiate between inward-moving visual perception (i.e. sight) and outward-moving visual action (i.e. gaze). Moreover, each language has at least one verbal formulation Read more…