The thesis concerns the emergence of the standard weight system in ancient Mesopotamia and is part of the graduate research program ‘Value and Equivalence’ at the University of Frankfurt/Main. Sources under consideration include Sumerian and Akkadian written documents from Archaic, Early Dynastic, and Sargonic periods (c. 3200-2200 BC) of Mesopotamian history.The following issues are being examined: a) the notation of weight units in cuneiform writing; b) goods and objects weighed; c) weighing toolware; d) weighing standards/norms; e) the social context of the process of weighing and its connections to the economic system. The project aims to determine when and where did standard weight system in Mesopotamia emerge, and to describe its early development. [table “6” not found /]
Witzig, Sophia MA (Lyon/France) – Fonctions administratives et rôles politiques des gouverneurs de province dans l’empire d’Ur III (2112-2004 av. J.-C.) : le cas des gouverneurs de Girsu/Lagaš
This doctoral dissertation falls within the context of previous studies conducted on Ur III political history by assyriologists (see for instance J. Dahl on Umma). The project aims at shedding a new light on the Read more…