Stone, Adam (Cambridge/UK) – The Importance of the Quotidian and Peripheral – A Diachronic Study of the Deliveries from the Borders of the Ur III State

My doctorate concerns the Sumerian administrative documents of the Ur III period of Ancient Mesopotamia, particularly those from Tell Drehem. I hope to investigate the relationships between the Ur III administration and those regions on, or beyond, its ‘borders’. This relationship has been viewed as relatively static over time, and Read more…

Thompson, Richard Jude (Cambridge/USA) – The Deuteronomistic Covenant and Neo-Assyrian Imperial Ideology: A Study of the Deuteronomistic History in Its Historical Context

This study investigates Martin Noth’s conclusion about the Deuteronomistic History (DH) that the people of Israel had committed apostasy, ceased to obey the law code of YHWH, and thus lost their land. Scholars have challenged Noth’s hypothesis and even the existence of such a history. The present study adopts a Read more…

Toro, Benjamin (Birmingham/UK) – The Deuteronomistic Covenant and Neo-Assyrian Imperial Ideology: A Study of the Deuteronomistic History in Its Historical Context

The aim of this research is to explore and elucidate the “Dark Age” showing how this “Assyrian Pax” was an important factor in the development of antique civilization. It will be elucidated how the new Assyrian order was the historical precedent of many imperialist projects in the follow centuries, including Read more…

Boschloos, Vanessa (Brussels/Belgium) – The geo-chronological distribution of Egyptian scarabs in the northern Levant (Syria and Lebanon) from the late 3rd millennium to the late Iron Age

Various publications on the subject stress the importance of further study of this type of seal and its impact on Egyptian – Levantine relations. So far, specialists have mostly been concentrating on scarabs from the southern Levant (Israel and Jordan) but this study of scarabs from Syria and Lebanon hopes Read more…