Jeremy Black Clarendon Studentship in Sumerian and Akkadian 2015 – Oxford

Jeremy Black Clarendon Studentship in Sumerian and Akkadian 2015 <> Wolfson College is offering jointly with the Clarendon Fund a fully-funded scholarship for a new student commencing postgraduate study at the University of Oxford in October 2015.  Students applying to the Faculty of Oriental Studies for the study of Sumerian Read more…

Assistant Professor, Art History – Bowling Green State University, Dallas

Position Announcement: Bowling Green State University.  Assistant Professor, Art History.  Tenure track.  Competitive salary, full benefits.  PhD or PhD by August 2015 in art history required.  Teaching experience preferable. Candidate must have a specialty in the art and culture of the Ancient World. Commitment to innovative pedagogical approaches and use of Read more…

University of Glasgow Lord Kelvin/Adam Smith PhD Scholarship Competition 2015/16

University of Glasgow Lord Kelvin/Adam Smith PhD Scholarship Competition 2015/16: Consuming Identities in the ‘Cradle of Civilisations’ – Food Consumption and the Emergence of Social Complexity in Greater Mesopotamia. Supervisors: Dr Claudia Glatz (Archaeology/School of Humanities) and Dr. Jaime Toney (School of Geographical and Earth Sciences) This project will shed Read more…

Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Rank of Instructor (Ancient Near East) – Oriental Institute, Chicago

The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago invites applications for the Oriental Institute’s Annual Post-Doctoral Fellow Conference program for the 2015–2017 academic years. This is a twenty-four-month, non-renewable appointment. During the first year of the appointment, the Post-Doctoral Fellow will organize and conduct a two-day conference at the Oriental Read more…

Advanced Assistant or Associate Professor of Archaeology – Brown University, Providence, RI

Advanced Assistant or Associate Professor of Archaeology Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World Brown University, Providence, RI Brown University invites applications for an advanced assistant or associate professor in the field of Mediterranean archaeology, broadly defined; this would include scholars whose research focuses on regions such as the Read more…