Culled from the Agade mailing list for your convenience, and with Jack M. Sasson’s approval, here is a list of recent publications in the fields of Assyriology and Mesopotamian Archaeology. Please note that this list includes only titles that have been notified between April, 1st and June, 30th 2020: books that were announced before April already appeared in our previous lists of publications – do have a look at our older posts: we publish a new list every three months!

Please write to us, at, if we have overlooked a publication or if you are aware of any title that was not announced in Agade and should be added to the list. Thanks!


Abulhab, S.D., Lost in Translation, Presumption, and Interpretation. Adam, Noah, and the Ancient Mesopotamian Mythology of the Creation and the Flood, Blautopf Publishing, 2020.

Agut-Labordère, D., and Redon, B. (eds), Les vaisseaux du désert et des steppes. Les camélidés dans l’Antiquité (Camelus dromedarius et Camelus bactrianus), Archéologie(s) 2, MOM Editions, 2020.

Altmann, P., Angelini, A., and Spiciarich, A. (eds), Food Taboos and Biblical Prohibitions. Reassessing Archaeological and Literary Perspectives, Archaeology and Bible 2, Mohr Siebeck, 2020.

Arimura, M., The Neolithic Lithic Industry at Tell Ain El-Kerkh. Excavation Reports of Tell el-Kerkh, Northwestern Syria 1, Archaeopress, 2020.

Azzoni, A., Kleinerman, A., Knight, D.A., and Owen, D.I. (eds), From Mari to Jerusalem and Back: Assyriological and Biblical Studies in Honor of Jack Murad Sasson, Eisenbrauns, 2020.

Bacci, M. et al., Giornate di archeologia. Arte e storia del Vicino e Medio Oriente. Atti della V edizione, Milano, 9-11 maggio 2019, Edizioni Terra Santa, 2020.

Bagg, A.M., Die Orts- und Gewässernamen der neuassyrischen Zeit. Teil 3 (in 2 Bänden). Babylonien, Urarṭu und die östlichen Gebiete, Ludwig Reichert Verlag, 2020.

Baldwin, J., and Matuszak, J. (eds), with the collaboration of M. Ceccarelli, mu-zu an-za3-še3 kur-ur2-še3 ḫe2-ĝal2. Altorientalistische Studien zu Ehren von Konrad Volk, dubsar 17, Zaphon, 2020.

Becker, J., and von Wickede, A., Çavi Tarlası. Identität und Kontakt am Beispiel eines spätneolithischen Fundplatzes der Ḥalaf-Zeit, ex oriente, 2018.

Borrelli, N., and Scazzosi, G., After the Harvest. Storage Practices and Food Processing in Bronze Age Mesopotamia, Subartu 43, Brepols, 2020.

Buck, M.E., The Amorite Dynasty of Ugarit. Historical Implications of Linguistic and Archaeological Parallels, Studies in the Archaeology and History of the Levant 8, Brill, 2020.

Cammarosano, M., Devecchi, E., and Viano, M. (eds), talugaeš witteš. Ancient Near Eastern Studies Presented to Stefano de Martino on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday, Kasion 2, Zaphon, 2020.

Coppini, C., and Simi, F. (eds), Proceedings of the 5th “Broadening Horizons” Conference (Udine 5-8 June 2017). Volume 3. Interactions and New Directions in Near Eastern Archaeology, West & East 4, Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2020.

Dubovský, P., and Giuntoli, F. (eds), Stones, Tablets, and Scrolls. Periods of the Formation of the Bible, Archaeology and Bible 3, Mohr Siebeck, 2020.

Dusinberre, E.R.M., Garrison, M.B., and Henkelman, W.F.M. (eds), The Art of Empire in Achaemenid Persia. Studies in Honour of Margaret Cool Root, Achaemenid History 16, Peeters, 2020.

Faghfoury, M. (ed), Ancient Iranian Numismatics: In Memory of David Sellwood, Jordan Center for Persian Studies, 2020.

Ferrara, A.J., and Huffmon H.B. (eds), Some Wine and Honey for Simon. Biblical and Ugaritic Aperitifs in Memory of Simon B. Parker, Pickwick Publications, 2020.

Foster, B.R., Sargonic and Pre-Sargonic Cuneiform Texts in the Yale Babylonian Collection, Lockwood Press, 2020.

Frangipane, M. (ed), Arslantape. I. International Archaeology Symposium Proceedings, Inonu University, 2019.

Gabbay, U., and Pérennès, J.J. (eds), Des polythéismes aux monothéismes. Mélanges d’assyriologie offerts à Marcel Sigrist, Etudes Bibliques. Nouvelle Série 82, Peeters, 2020.

Geller, M.J., and Panayotov, S.V., Mesopotamian Eye Disease Texts. The Nineveh Treatise, Die babylonisch-assyrische Medizin in Texten und Untersuchungen 10, De Gruyter, 2020.

Gür, B., and Dalkılıç, S. (eds), Anadolu Prehistoryasına Adanmış Bir Yaşam JAK YAKAR’A ARMAĞANA/Life Dedicated to Anatolian Prehistory: Festschrift for JAK YAKAR, Bilgin Kültür Sanat, 2020.

Hasselbach-Andee, R. (ed), A Companion to Ancient Near Eastern Languages, Wiley-Blackwell, 2020.

Hornkohl, A., and Khan, G. (eds), Studies in Semitic Vocalisation and Reading Traditions, Cambridge Semitic Languages and Cultures 3, University of Cambridge & Open Book Publishers, 2020.

Iamoni, M. (ed), Proceedings of the 5th “Broadening Horizons” Conference (Udine 5-8 June 2017). Volume 1 From the Prehistory of Upper Mesopotamia to the Bronze and Iron Age Societies of the Levant, West & East 2, Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2020.

Kenkel, F., and Hoss, S., Hellenistic to Umayyad Period (Strata 8–3) The Ceramic, Glass and Metal Finds, Gadara Region Project 2001-2011 Tall Zirā‘a Volume 6, Gütersloh Verlag, 2020.

Kollatz, A., and Orthmann, E., The Ceremonial of Audience. Transcultural Approaches, Macht und Herrschaft 2, Bonn University Press V&R unipress, 2019.

Kühne, H. (ed), Die Zitadelle von Dūr-Katlimmu in mittel- und neuassyrischer Zeit. Teil 1: Text, Teil 2: Katalog, Teil 3: Kassette mit 57 Farbtafeln und Faltplänen, Berichte der Ausgrabung Tall Šēḫ Ḥamad/Dūr-Katlimmu 12, Harrassowitz, 2020.

Kulakoğlu, F., Michel, C., and Öztürk, G. (eds), Integrative Approaches to the Archaeology and History of Kültepe-Kaneš. Kültepe, 4–7 August 2017, Kültepe International Meetings 3, Subartu 45, Brepols, 2020.

Levy, J., The Genesis of the Textile Industry from Adorned Nudity to Ritual Regalia. The Changing Role of Fibre Crafts and Their Evolving Techniques of Manufacture in the Ancient Near East from the Natufian to the Ghassulian, Archaeopress, 2020.

MacDonald, B., A History of Ancient Moab from the Ninth to First Centuries BCE, Archaeology and Biblical Studies 26, SBL Press, 2020.

Maidman, M.P., Life in Nuzi’s Suburbs. Text Editions from Private Archives (JEN 834-881), Antichistica 26. Studi Orientali 9, Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, 2020.

Maul, S.M., Bannlösung (nam-érim-búr-ru-da). Die Therapie eines auf eidliche Falschaussage zurückgeführten Leidens, Keilschrifttexte aus Assur literarischen Inhalts 10, Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft 155, Harrassowitz, 2019.

McQuitty, A., Parton, H., and Petersen, A., Khirbat Faris: Rural Settlement, Continuity and Change in Southern Jordan. The Nabatean to Modern Periods (1st century BC – 20th century AD) Volume 1: Stratigraphy, Finds and Architecture, Archaeopress, 2020.

Michel, C., and Chemla, K. (eds), Mathematics, Administrative and Economic Activities in Ancient Worlds, Why the Sciences of the Ancient World Matter 5, Springer, 2020.

Nadali, D., and Pinnock, F. (eds), Sensing the Past. Detecting the Use of the Five Senses in Ancient Near Eastern Contexts. Proceedings of the Conference Held in Rome, Sapienza University June 4th, 2018, Harrassowitz, 2020.

Otto, A., Herles, M., and Kaniuth, K. (eds), Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. Vol. 1: Mobility in the Ancient Near East. Images in Context. Archaeology as Cultural Heritage. Engendering Near Eastern Archaeology. Societal Contexts of Religion. Shaping the Living Space, Harrassowitz, 2020.

Otto, A., Herles, M., Kaniuth, K., Korn, L., and Heidenreich, A. (eds), Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. Vol. 2: Field Reports. Islamic Archaeology, Harrassowitz, 2020.

Overtoom, N.L., Reign of Arrows. The Rise of the Parthian Empire in the Hellenistic Middle East, Oxford University Press, 2020.

Peilstöcker, M., and Wolfram, S. (eds), Life at the Dead Sea. Proceedings of the International Conference held at the State Museum of Archaeology Chemnitz (smac), February 21–24, 2018, Chemnitz, Ägypten und Altes Testament 96, Zaphon, 2020.

Polinger Foster., K., translation by B.R. Foster, A Mesopotamian Miscellany, Gorgias Studies in the Ancient Near East 15, Gorgias Press, 2020.

Tekin, O., Roosevelt, C.H., and Engin, A. (eds), Philanthropy in Anatolia Through the Ages. The First International Suna and Inan Kiraç Symposium on Mediterranean Civilization – March 26-29, 2019, Antalya, AKMED / Koç University Suna & İnan Kıraç Research Center for Mediterranean Civilizations, 2020.

van der Veen, P.G., Dating the Iron Age IIB Archaeological Horizon in Israel and Judah. A Reinvestigation of ‘Neo-Assyrian (Period)’ Sigillographic and Ceramic Chronological Markers from the 8th and 7th Centuries B.C., Ägypten und Altes Testament 98, Zaphon, 2020.

Winkelmann, C., The Neolithic and Chalcolithic Figurines of Cyprus, marru 2, Zaphon, 2020.

Yalcin, H.G, and Stegemeier, O. (eds), Metallurgica Anatolica. Festschrift für Ünsal Yalçın anlässlich seines 65. Geburtstags, Ege Yayinlari, 2020.

Yasur-Landau, A., and Cline, E.H. (eds), Excavations at Tel Kabri: The 2005-2011 Seasons, Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 11, Brill, 2020.

Yener, K.A., Akar, M., and Horowitz, M.T. (eds), Tell Atchana, Alalakh. Volume 2: The Late Bronze II City 2006-2010 Excavation Seasons, Koç University Press, 2019

Yener, K.A., and Ingman, T. (eds), Alalakh and its Neighbours. Proceedings of the 15th Anniversary Symposium at the New Hatay Archaeology Museum, 10-12 June 2015, Ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplement Series 55, Peeters, 2020.

Categories: Mar Shiprim