Meyer-Laurin, Vera (Berlin/Germany) – Orthographie und Lautung. Eine Untersuchung der Suffixe und Enklitika in den altsumerischen Urkunden aus Lagash
The pre-Sargonic texts from Lagash are the first texts where the suffixes and clitics of the Sumerian language were systematically represented in the writing system. In this study the orthographic rules according to which these grammatical elements were expressed will Read more…
dr. Muller, Virginie (Lyon/France) – Death in the Ancient Near East. A lexical and historical study based on epigraphic data (late 3rd-1st mill. BC)
Mainly Akkadian and some Sumerian texts provide the primary material for this study, which is a lexical analysis of the semantic field of the death, and of terms, expressions and euphemisms used to refer to dying. All literary genres are Read more…
Olijdam, Eric (Durham/UK) – People without History: Dilmun during the late Early Dilmun Period (ca. 1900-1600 BC)
The late Early Dilmun period is poorly understood as little physical evidence can unequivocally be attributed to this phase. The general consensus -based upon Mesopotamian textual sources and a dearth of archaeological material- is that a collapse of the maritime Read more…
Parys, Magalie (Lille/France) – La maladie mentale au Proche Orient ancien
La thèse a pour objet de rassembler des textes médicaux cunéiformes en akkadien et sumérien, publiés ou inédits, évoquant et traitant les souffrances psychiques, que l’on peut aujourd’hui considérer comme des troubles mentaux. Les textes du corpus seront à la Read more…
Peled, Ilan (Tel-Aviv/Israel) – The Third Gender in the Ancient Near East
The dissertation aims at investigating the concept of ‘Third Gender’ in the various societies and cultures of ancient Mesopotamia and the Near East, from as early as mid-third millennium BCE, up until the latest cuneiform texts. Sumerian, Akkadian, Hittite and Read more…
Perini, Silvia (Edingburgh/UK) – Vessels Production, Use and Distribution in North Mesopotamia and Syria during the Middle Bronze Age. A Ceramic Functional Analysis from Tell Ahmar (North Syria)
Despite the conspicuous archaeological evidence coming from the recent MBA excavations in North Mesopotamia and Syria, detailed publications about morphological ceramic characteristics and related economic activities (storage, processing, consumption and transportation) are still scarce and when available only refer to Read more…
Pfoh, Emanuel (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina) – Prácticas sociopolíticas en el Levante durante la época de El Amarna (siglo XIV a.C.)
The study shall focus on the socio-political relationships between Hatti and her Anatolian and Syrian subjects as well as between Egypt and her Palestinian subjects during the El Amarna period. Practices of kinship, pseudo-kinship, friendship, patronage and statehood, involving prestige Read more…
Pitts, Audrey (Cambridge/USA) – The Royal Family of the Ur III Dynasty: Strategies and Practices of Political and Economic Control
This dissertation will comprise a systematic study of the royal family of the Ur III Dynasty. The first part of the study will identify membership in the family, by both blood and marriage, interrelationships among members, and the various roles Read more…