It is our pleasure to thank and congratulate the organizers of this year’s Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale for a highly successful 65th installment of the annual meeting!

© Patrick-Imbert
In July, 8-12 2019, scholars of the Ancient Near East from all over the world convened in Paris for a week of workshops, academic debates, meetings and… some fun, of course!
The organizing committee gave all the attendees a warm welcome, and ensured that the conference ran smoothly and problem-free. We are sure that you will join us in offering them our sincere thanks.

© Antoine Jacquet
“Gods, Kings and Capitals in the Ancient Near East”
In Paris, the numerous participants could attend the scheduled presentations at the prestigious Collège de France, and the Louvre Museum welcomed them for the entire day of Wednesday, 10 July.
Papers presented at the Paris Rencontre covered all the topics raised by its title: specific issues related to the history and archaeology of cities such as Assur, Babylon, Khorsabad, Mari, Sippar, and Ur were discussed alongside more general topics such as urbanism, royal administration of cities, literature, temple life and administration. All the geographical and chronological areas of the Near East were covered by the papers, with no fewer than twenty-three sessions and fifteen workshops that dealt with all aspects of Assyriological studies.

© Antoine Jacquet
Also the number and topics of the workshops testified to the liveliness and breadth that our discipline is enjoying in these recent years. These explored various aspects of current archaeological and epigraphic research, digital practices and tools, scientific knowledge in ancient Mesopotamia, ancient Near Eastern literature – while one workshop was devoted to “Assyriology and Anthropology”.

© Tomoki Kitazumi
The General Meeting
The yearly General Meeting of the IAA was held on Thursday afternoon (the full minutes of the meeting will soon be posted online).
The Board presented an account of its activities over the past year, and discussed several issues beginning with the winners of the IAA prizes (see our previous post). New members of the IAA board were also elected (Stefano de Martino and Cinzia Pappi).

© Antoine Jacquet
This year’s Rencontre was particularly rich with entertaining activities!

© Tomoki Kitazumi
The traditional welcome reception was offered at the Collège de France on Monday, followed on Tuesday by the “reception for young assyriologists” which is also becoming a tradition in recent meetings.
The main reception took place on Wednesday evening at the Louvre Museum: organizers gave to the attendees the unique opportunity to enjoy free access to the Museum galleries, and to the exhibitions “Forgotten Kingdoms. From the Hittite Empire to the Arameans” and “Ugarit, a Mediterranean City”. Truly a remarkable experience, for which we are all very grateful.

© Francesca Nebiolo
Then, on Thursday evening, a concert by composer and guitarist Christian Lavernier was offered at the Collège de France. The musician presented the first public performance of a new work which he composed in homage to the 65th RAI: entitled “Gilgameš”, it stemmed from a visit which he paid to the Khorsabad court in the Louvre, where the bas-relief of “Gilgameš” strongly impressed him.
To Mainz and Frankfurt
With this year’s conference successfully completed, we already look ahead to Germany for July of next year. The 66th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale will take place from July 20th to 24th, 2020, and its theme will be “Cultural Contact – Cultures of Contact”.
Expect a circular from the organizing team soon – and see you in Mainz and Frankfurt!