This thesis aims to collect and catalogue all the texts belonging to the Huwaššanna-Rituals, CTH-Numbers 691-694. The stress is laid on the precise classification of the texts, their transcription, translation and commentary. This thesis is based on an uncompleted work ofPD Dr. phil. Cord Kühne. Prof.Dr.Jörg Klinger is preparing his work for publication parallel to my thesis in order to make it possible to distinguish later from the original research of C.Kühne. [table “6” not found /]
Witzig, Sophia MA (Lyon/France) – Fonctions administratives et rôles politiques des gouverneurs de province dans l’empire d’Ur III (2112-2004 av. J.-C.) : le cas des gouverneurs de Girsu/Lagaš
This doctoral dissertation falls within the context of previous studies conducted on Ur III political history by assyriologists (see for instance J. Dahl on Umma). The project aims at shedding a new light on the Read more…