There are many videos/audios about Assyriology available on the internet. It can sometimes be hard for non-experts to know whether a video is giving reliable information or is giving outdated or bogus information, or peddling conspiracy theories. Contrary to what is sometimes claimed, scholars are not trying to hide evidence, nor are museums hiding objects in a basement. There is no evidence for contact with aliens, there were no ancient nuclear wars, no DNA manipulation, and there is no connection to pyramids. The reality of the ancient past, based on the reasonable interpretation of actual evidence, is much more interesting and satisfying. Here are some videos/audios by scholars in the field, on a range of topics.
Walther Sallaberger: Die Keilschrift
Cuneiform Revealed: Writing a cuneiform tablet
Walther Sallaberger: Die Bedeutung der Schrift
Paola Corò: Cunei-Lab: la scrittura cuneiforme nel Vicino Oriente antico
Martha Roth: The Chicago Assyrian Dictionary: The Final Chapter
Irving Finkel: How does ancient Assyrian language sound?
OI exhibit traces invention of writing
Objects from the ancient Near East
John Curtis: The Cyrus Cylinder from Ancient Babylon and the Beginning of the Persian Empire
Irving Finkel: The Ark Tablet (University of Dundee Christmas Lecture 2014)
Irene Winter: The Stela and The State
St. John Simpson | Unlocking Stories From Objects
Ariane Thomas: La Mésopotamie au Louvre Lens
Ariane Thomas: L’Histoire commence en Mésopotamie
Ancient Near Eastern history and culture
Frans Wiggermann: over de goden en heersers in Mesopotamië
Irving Finkel: The Tower of Babel
John Curtis: Babylon: A Wonder of the Ancient World
Irving Finkel: The Babylonian mind
Walther Sallaberger: Die Uruk-Kultur
Mark Kenoyer: Meluhha: the Indus Civilization and Its Contacts with Mesopotamia
Ann Gunter: Tracking the Frontiers of the Hittite Empire
James Osborne: The Syro-Anatolian City States: A Neglected Iron Age Culture
Lisa Cooper: Encounters with Ancient Splendors: Gertrude Bell
Hartmut Kühne: The Collapse of the Assyrian Empire and the Evidence of Dur-Katlimmu
Eckart Frahm: The Psychohistory of an Assyrian king
Walter Farber: Health Care and Epidemics in Antiquity: The Example of Ancient Mesopotamia
Gil Stein: Sweet Honey in the Rocks: Honey, Bees, and Beekeeping in the Ancient Near East
Robert Ritner & Theo van den Hout: The Battle of Kadesh: A Debate
Irving Finkel: The Ark Before Noah: A Great Adventure
Jerry Cooper: Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Know about Sex in Babylonia . . .
Steve Tinney: Great Beasts of Legend: Anzu the Lion Headed Eagle
Steve Tinney: Great Myths and Legends: Adapa the Sage: Flood, Myth and Magic in early Mesopotamia
Grant Frame: Great Wonders: Searching for the Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Steve Tinney: Great Voyages: Gilgamesh: Journeys to the End of the World
Ancient Near East archaeology
Sophie Cluzan: L’archéologie en Mésopotamie
Gil Stein: Exploring the Roots of Mesopotamian Civilization: Excavations at Tell Zeidan, Syria
Augusta McMahon: Death and the City: Recent Work at Tell Brak, Syra
Excavating Tools and Trinkets of the World’s First Cities
Donny George Youkhana: One Scholar’s Contribution to Mesopotamian Archaeology
Eleanor Robson: Agriculture and elephants: writing in rural Babylonia
Amer Abdul Razzaq: Tour of the archaeological site of Eridu
Amer Abdul Razzaq: Tour of the archaeological site of Girsu
The Berner Altorientalisches Forum (BAF) posts videos of all the (max. 10 minute) talks held at each conference. The talks are on a wide range of topics related to the Ancient Near East.